Christians at uni, and eyelashes
Finally i've met some ppl at uni who are christians. During the week i miss hanging out with fellow christians and i can't speak to my friends cos i don't have a phone line. so i went along to a christian meeting at uni on wednesday, then on thursday night my sis and i hung out at the guy who runs the meetings place where lots of ppl came for pizza and gelato. then a girl showed us some pictures of when she went to africa. it was a very humbling experience. like when they built an orphanage for the children, it was just a small concrete room and they all got so excited when they entered it they spontaneously danced about. they all look so skinny too! really makes you appreciate what we have here, and realise how blessed we are. it was great seeing how God is moving through Africa, though we really need to pray for them.
Just a random thought, i've noticed that i lose a lot of eyelashes and they usually get stuck in my eyes and most of the time i dont get them out, so i reckon that the bags under my eyes are the eyelashes collecting up...good theory or what? :P
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