
Every time i go to church i love it more and more and love God more and more. Just seeing people's lives put back together and seeing people come to God and people passionate for Him. I have lived without God and now i'm living with him, and now that i know what both are like i don't ever wanna go back to life without him. It was cool cos some girls at work were asking me about my faith and Christianity when they heard i go to church. I didn't get to say much but hey at least we can talk about it now. They also invited me out to karoke. i felt so touched by that! Tonight i got my first girl to call up and, well, i guess u can say take care of. God i just pray that you'll help me love these girls and show them how much you love them and how valuable they are to you. i still can't believe im in this position! im excited yet keep questioning myself "can i do this?" "am i the right person? have they got it wrong?" "what if the girls dont like me?" etc. i guess i need to put my doubts aside... with God's help i can do anything! |
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