An attempt at an update

Here is a kind of update. Kind of cos it's gonna be real short cos i'm meant to be doing uni work right now, a report that was due in more than a week ago but i got an extension because i was sick and, (the real reason), very disorganised.
Past few weeks i've been stressed and exhausted and sick, but i'm better now and starting to sort stuff out. I guess i'm going through a phrase and a challenge right now but i know everything's coming together and it's gonna be alright! everything thats being said in church at for the past few weeks i know is God speaking to me. the challenge is following through and acting on his word. There are a lot of things i could say about whats going on in my life right now but i don't have the time, all i can say is yes there's a lot going through my head, i have a lot of things to sort through and sort out, but it's in God's hands and my next update will be a lot more positive. Thank you to all who have been praying for me. i don't know who you are and most of you prob don't even know this blog exists but God bless you.
Some random thoughts....
Last night i found out that two people i know, not personally but i know of or have met them b4, tried to kill themselves. one of them as recent as friday night and the other one quite a number of times in the past and recently.
I am a misfit, i have always been a misfit and i will always be a misfit, in any situation and place, whether it be school, uni, work, church etc. and i have accepted this.
You reap what you sow. no matter how many times i hear this it always speaks to me, and each time i learn something new.
Had a guest speaker from Russia today. Totally amazing. His msgs hit me smack bang in the face, but then again most of the msgs recently have done that. i really need to change and sort myself out and become the person God has called me to be. and i am inspired to do that. the past 2 months my life has been a mess and today has been a kick to start me in the right direction of getting back on track.
mum's gone away again. then soon dad will go, then my sister will go, leaving me to take care of my cousin and bro, drive them around, cook for them etc. talk about pressure.
Today was such an eventful day, pray i don't forget what happened and what has been said.
This post turned out longer than i intended...i'll be up all night doing homework.
the good book says you'll be blessed if u follow His word. go for it. pray for His spirit to help You. u'll make a great positive impact on many ppl (well u r now anyway)
long time comming to update
lovely photo of you and tom :)
you're so beautiful rie - on the inside and out! i'm so glad and blessed to know you.
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