Friday, September 08, 2006
On wednesday night tom was driving me home. we always take the freeway but just this once we decided to go by the coast. when we got near sunset coast tourist drive and whitfords ave there was a lil white car with the front smashed in all the way. tom stopped about 20 metres before and ran to a guy standing next to the car. the man quickly described to him that it was a hit and run and the vehicle that hit the car was a white toyota van with construction stuff on top. tom remembered passing a van of that description on the way and asked if we should go after him and the guy told him to. jsut as i got out of the car tom yelled at me to get back in, we did a u turn and sped off in the direction we came from. we were doing about 120 along the coast (we didnt tell the cops this of cos) and after about 2 km we caught up with the van, wrote down the rego number and what street it drove down at what time. we didnt get too clsoe in case he decided to crash into us. by the time we got back to the accident the ambulance wasnt there but more ppl had arrived including some nurses. eventually a lot of ambulances and cops and the fire bridgage came and collected our details and statements. it was soooo cold and windy. it took the fire ppl nearly and hour to get the the three ppl out of the smashed car. the driver was really messed up the other two were slightly better. on the brighter side a good friend who i hadnt seen in a long time lived near by and heard the sirens and came to check it out. after the accident we went to his place to use the loo and have a drink.
the whole ordeal didnt sink in until thursday. i was driving to uniand was in the right lane and couldnt go to the left because there were many cars in there and the car in front of me was going just under 100 and the big four wheel drive behind me was right up against my backside because i was going slow. i felt so trapped and afraid and it sunk in and i got soo scared i started crying and cried the whole way to uni. when i got to uni i found out the driver died in hospital and i cried even more. i guess im still a lil shaken up. i dont like driving anymore.
apparently the cops have been calling everyone who's details they got down. they called tom three times but havent called me once. im glad though i really dont want to be involved anymore.
i guess i've been going through a down period for the last few months. i was reading the purpose driven life on the train today to uni. it said something along the lines of God wanting us to love him and depend on him and that he'll do anything to bring us closer to him. even if its bad stuff. ps gerard said soemthing simliar tonight, about God bringing challenges in our lives. but he'll never give us anything too hard to overcome. it is by his grace we can.
grr im not being too eloquent tonight. i really need sleep.