I’m a tiger, hear me roar
Tonight was the first time in kung fu I sparred some guys. Usually I spar with my good friend (who’s a girl) and we full on go at it and bash each other up, but with the guys it was different. I guess because it was my first time I was a bit shy so I wasn’t going full on into it. Then Marco, the guy who was taking my class, (the one Hwin described as “he has a lot of meat on him,” hahaha Hwin you’re so funny) told me not to hold back (and at one point “be a tiger”). It was then at that point, after he said “don’t hold back” and before I got punched in the head for losing my concentration in my train of thought, I realised, that is exactly what I’m doing. I am holding back. In certain areas of my life and faith, I am holding back. I’m not stepping out in faith as I am supposed to do. I should not hold back. I should let go of everything and give it all to Him. I should have faith and stop doubting. I need not hold back. I need to let go of everything and give it all to him. I need to have faith and stop doubting. I need to be a tiger and hunt God.
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