Only God
Last night i fell asleep with a smile, and this morning i woke up with a smile. Two words: Only God =) |
Last night i fell asleep with a smile, and this morning i woke up with a smile. Two words: Only God =) |
My gosh!!! i just got home from a leaders meeting. and my gosh! it was really powerful and amazing! God was really speaking to us through our guest speaker. so many prophecies! just hearing about all the things he's doing around the world today, and the things to come! i am expectant and excited!
I feel so lonely right now. I miss my mum and dad and my sister and tom and my friends. i hate it because i'm crying over feeling lonely when a lot of people all over the world have it a lot worse than i do. What i really really want right now is someone to talk to and someone to hug. But i dont have the time right now i have to clean the house and look out for other ppl. I know God is always with me and has his arms around me but sometimes i wish he were here in physical form. i need a shoulder to cry on. On a very very happy note my mum's coming back today i can't wait! i really need her right now! Thank you so much to everyone. you all have always been there for me. and i apologise for my behaviour for the past few months and my stoopid decisions. once again im so sorry and thank you to all of you, i love you all so much! |
Just a quick update, i don't really wanna go into much detail cos i have so much to do. But right now i have no job and no boyfriend. and yet my spirit is at peace! God has really helped me through this, and i'm fine, more than fine! i'm good and tom's good and we're still very good friends, it wasn't akward or anything like that. and i know that everything is gonna be great and things are changing for me. its a new season to get my life back on track, for real this time.
On a happier note my mum sent me two pairs of earrings On a slightly not so happy note my dad's going away too so's my sister leaving me to look after my brother and cousin Then my aunties going in for an operation, leaving me with 3 more kids to look after On a very happy note, God loves me and will help me! |
i just got back from the baptism. i found it was inspiring and emotional, and yes i did shed a tear or two. Lately i've been disappointed thinking why is it that people who i invite to church never stay? But hey, good still comes from it! I once invited a girl who i used to be friends with 10 yrs ago and i met her again last yr cos she was working at a shop i visited. i invited her to church, and she came a couple of times, but then i never saw her again. but the second time she brought her neighbour, a beautiful 12 yr old girl who's sooo bubbly and friendly, and today as i watched her being baptised i got so excited! you can see what i'm saying... |
Sometimes i wonder why i am doing what i am doing today. is this where i'm meant to be? My new job has not been going good. i work many hours, for very little pay and half my pay goes to petrol for driving to work (last few weeks it's been 45 min drives, that's 45 to, and 45 from, couple of times a week). Since i've started working i've considered quitting quite a number of times. i would've made more money in my last job, or any hourly paid job for that matter. i always wondered why i'm in this job and many other people wonder why to, and have asked me to find a new job or quit. but the whole time something just kept telling me to hang in there, stay on, don't leave prematurely (strangely this was mentioned in today's message at church), and see what happens, that good will come out of this. i guess i never knew until today's church service why. my job is commission based and to do well at the job you cannot afford to be shy. my main problem is approaching people who i've never met before and start talking to them. i remember in the early days of this job a girl i worked with (who also goes to my church) told me maybe in this job God is telling you to get over this fear of approaching people, (whereas he was telling her that it's not about her, or money, that it's about other people). Today at church one of the leaders asked me to meet this new girl and introduce myself to her and talk to her. when i approached her there was already a group of girls surrounding her, and i knew none of them. i kinda hung around outside the circle wondering if i should go and start talking to them, in the end fear gave in and i felt dsicouraged and walked away. and i still feel very disappointed in myself. i feel challenged and definately out of my comfort zone, so i guess it has to be a God thing. Maybe i'm meant to hang around in this job for that reason, to get over myself, and i know that once i do i can be successful. Already the few people who i do approach and talk to, they sign up, so if only i just approached everyone i could sign up lots of people and earn more money. but i do believe this is definately not a long term job and that if another job is offered to me i'll take it. before i got this job though i prayed for a job that will 1. have working hours that will suit me 2. have nothing to do with food, not a checkout chick, or sitting in an office behind a computer or phones 3. have people interaction 4. highly paid .... and this job is all the above except 4 but that's cos i need to make it happen. another good thing about it is that many of my colleges are Christians, and i've never been in a job before where this is the case. Whoa i can't believe i jsut went on and on about my job and fear of approaching people.... Signing off... going to church baptisms...shouldl be fun!!! |