I got red hair extensions!
It's been a while since I've blogged. Life's been so busy and exciting! I got a new job as a telemarketer (I'm not sure if that's the right word for it) but it's good cos i'll be working with a few friends from church (who got me the job there) so there's about five of us who can't work there on tuesday and friday nights :P
This is the last weekend our church will be held at ECU as we will be moving into our new building. I'm soo excited! On Monday I helped out at our new building by pinging chalk. So if you ever see the STOMP room and see the two different colours on the walls just remember those two colours wouldn't have been there if I haven't helped create the line to separate them :D (and the credit goes to two other people too heh). Every time I walk into our new building it feels like home! I could just see so many wonderful things happening there! Miracles! Salvations! Break-throughs! Life-lasting friendships being formed! Marriages! (including my own) etc. So watch out Northern suburbs as we take it to the next level!!!!
Last night I went to Just For Her, a women's conference with the guest speaker being Nancy Alcorn. It was an awesome night! I wished every woman and girl I know could've been there! She is an amazing woman of God and a great speaker with a good message, I cried many times (but then again I'm emotional and cry easily but still it was a very moving night). We're so blessed to have her (it is her first visit to WA) oh and I get to listen to her again this Friday night and Sunday morning!
At the moment I'm kinda worried about how I am going to organise my time. Well I know one thing, I have to. I have to organise my time to fit in church, kung fu, two jobs and a little bit of a social life (I hardly have time to see a lot of my friends anymore, some I haven't seen for months!) And that's just for now, what about when uni starts???
It seems that nowadays a lot of people seem to have the topic of relationships in their minds. You know, past relationships, current relationships and future ones. It seems that I'm one of the only ones who don't, which is a good thing because then I can listen to others talk about theirs. Most of the relationships talked about are boy-girl relationships. I still stand by my belief that you will not be happy in a relationship (as in boyfriend girlfriend thing) unless you're happy with your relationship with God, and happy with yourself. Many times have I seen the wrong relationships ruin people, take over their lives, pull them away from God, change them and even take away their own identity. Like Nancy Alcorn said we do not need somebody to make us whole, as we are already whole in Jesus Christ.