MY Baby Octopus!!!
Finally i got a pic of my octopus to post on here! its not a very good photo cos Dustin's a lil shy as he is still young and doesn't know how to pose for pics, he's all curled up here. Marian named him "Dustin" because it means "fighter" or "strength", which suits him because he's survived through so much and he's all alive still. can't wait to start teaching him to open bottles and play with lego, they're smart lil buggers.
Here's an email my mum's cousin sent me when i told her i got an octopus. She's a passionate Christian lawyer in Singapore with a twisted, cynical, sarcastic sense of humour which i love:
how creepy. does it glow in dark and spew ink in the water killing off all the rest of the inhabitants in the tank like the friendly creature it is known to be? you becoming a creepo keeping such an ugly thing like this ink-squirt ? you one of those weird ones who go around campus wearing thick black eye liner and long black dresses looking like a member of Adams Family?
i think your bambi belongs in a sushi restaurant.
from your loving aunt
what the?? gotta hate these spam comments!! Dustin is cute..little octapus!!
just wanted to let you know Rie, you're beautiful:)
love you heaps girl!!
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