Let's celebrate Rie being on earth for 18 years!
Yesterday was my 18th birthday!
Throughout the day i thanked God for 18 wonderful years of life, and even though i wasn't with him most of the time, he never left my side. how awesome is that?!
Probably the one thing turning 18 did was remind me of how loved i am. So many loved ones called, emailed and msged me to wish me a happy birthday. Friends and family took me out and treated me!
My friends at uni took me to the tav (just because i can go there now) and they bought me chips and lemon lime bitters. then we went to carosal and they bought me ice cream and paid for this dancing game thingy. At night my parents treated me to a nice italian dinner then took me to the casino (just because i can go there now). We took a pic with my phone of me giving the securtity guard my id but i pushed the wrong key so it didn't save which was a pity cos it was such a good photo. I didn't gamble much, so i didn't lose any money. But i did burn my tongue on the never ending free hot chocolate (which was the only stoopid thing i did on my 18th). But that's the main reason why we go to the casino, for the free drinks!
I had a lot of fun, and excused myself from all uni work for one day (although i still went to uni anyway). :D:D:D
Purpose Driven Life, daily devotional on my birthday:
"Religion is a guy in church thinking about fishing. Spirituality is a guy out fishing thinking about God"