It's been a while since i've blogged. i've been at uni and living at my other house that has no computer and phone line.
There is something in the air tonight. I don't know what it is but nature is truly amazing. If only i could get a picture of it, but the moon is red and in a perfect cresent shape angled so it looks like a smile, like the cat from alice in wonderland. it was also foggy and the whole atmosphere was very beautiful! something has changed tonight, i don't know what but we'll see...
Tonight i went to club 180. It's something God's been bugging me to do and to finish. He's also been bugging a good friend of mine to get me to go, so i went tonight and bought her along. It was good tonight, some questions i've often pondered about were answered, except "why do men have nipples" lol that one hasn't crossed my mind.
A certain verse really got me:
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths
proverbs 3:5-6
I'm not sure if i have read it before but it really is awesome! i reckon it's the kinda verse i could wake up to and be the first thing i read everyday. (plus lots of others, hey the whole bibles good)
Just those few words tell me how to live and what to do. they also encourage and convict.
Recently quite a lot of friends have had heavy burdens weighing them down. I seem to be one of the few with no issues at the mo. Since I started walking with Him He has kept me happy. I'm not sure if i've said this before but i guess there always needs to be one person without burdens to be there for those who do. But after a while it starts to take it's toll on me. especially since i guess i'm pretty compassionate it does get to me. when i see other cry i have to cry. i can't help it, even if its a movie and someone's crying i'll cry. when they're happy i'll be happy. i guess it's like it says in the bible rejoice when others rejoice and weep when they weep (something along those lines, please correct me if i'm wrong).
But still at uni the other day i couldn't concentrate cos of what was hurting my friend was hurting me i was very distracted. you really gotta admire those people who counsel on a regular basis, esp those who volunteer. it really takes a strong person to do that i reckon.
Today was my mum's b'day. i got her lovely white water lilies. apparently they were the flowers her mum got married with, and this was the first time she's been given them. God bless her