I haven't blogged in a while as life is quite full on. But tonight I get a night off and thought I'll blog as yesterday was a weird day and blogging is theraputic.
Yesterday was very eventful. I had work in the morning with Kristen and Brendan and on the way there Kristen was caught by a speed camera and was a bit distraught. At work I got some rude people and some who hung up on me, quite depressing job really. Then the three of us went to get sushi for lunch but when we got back to the car we realised that Kristen had left the keys in the ignition and we were locked out. We asked some passersby if they knew how to break into a car, they kinda did but suggested we call the RAC. As we sat and ate sushi while waiting for the RAC I got a call that my grandfather had passed away and that my dad was on the way to the airport. So I had my lil cry there in the car park.
At night I went to the EPW (explosive pro wrestling). I didn't feel like going but I promised some friends that I would go and I had bought one of their tickets for their birthday anyway. It was really violent. I have seen WWE on tv before and violent movies and stuff like that but I have never seen it in real life or up close. They had a street fight which means they can use anything that is legal. Besides the usual steel chairs and tables they used a metal tray, sign, bin, cricket bat, chains, fork, the metal fence bars to separate the audience, etc. In the street fight match a guys head got cut open with the sign and there was blood everywhere. His whole face was bright crisom and all their clothes were covered in blood. As a payback he took out a fork and stabbed the other guy in the head several times. They also did stuff like put a bin over someone's head and bashed it with a cricket bat, whipped each other with the chains, smash each other (sometimes in the face) with steel chairs and metal trays (the steel chairs were totally demented) and the tables were broken. One of the girls who came with us was shaking and couldn't watch and the commentators were saying every few mins that parental guidance was needed and people (esp children) should leave the building if they couldn't handle it. I was shocked to see some young children still there right in the front row watching. Some of the wrestlers were seriously injured quite badly. I cannot understand why someone would put themself through such pain with NO PAY (they don't get paid!), and why people would watch this kinda stuff. Actually the old me used to watch this kinda stuff, I once saw a match on TV where they poured a bag of drawing pins in the ring and a wrestler ended up with a whole lot of drawing pins stabbed in his back. Just like a pin up board.
One of my girl friends who came told me about a party she went to recently and how she got with four people (people as in guys and girls) and slept with a random guy who she will never see again. She was a virgin and was her first time; drunk, and with a random. It saddens me that she had no self-respect and didn't think it was wrong. She told me about it quite casually, and I'm not sure if she was expecting me to be proud of her. I was really sad for her. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say. I just felt sad the whole day, with my grandpa, the violent wrestling and my friend thing. Then I dropped her off at a party after where all my old friends from school were. I hardly see them anymore, and I can't really talk much or relate to them because I have changed and we were all on totally different levels. By the time we got to the party they were all drunk. Last year I would've found this kinda stuff fun but now it just saddens me. It's sad because at one point my group at school and I were the only ones who didn't need to drink to have fun unlike the rest of our year. We had so much fun without alcohol but now every party they have alcohol is a must. Initially I thought it was fun but now my eyes were opened and I could see the unnecessary stoopidity of it all. I remember the first time I got really drunk on leavers last year. I threw up 4 times and couldn't breath properly that I thought I was going to die. I felt really sick and couldn't remember anything the next day, but my friends helped me with that. They told me everything I did and said and they even had photos. I was aggressive, emotional, horny, loud, and had a foul mouth (everything that came out of it (including the vomit) was vulgar and disgusting). Looking back now I am totally disgusted at my behaviour and haven't touched alcohol since february.
Alcohol is really scary. It's expensive and nothing good ever comes out of it. Alcohol can make people behave in a totally different way, be sick, erase our memory of the previous night's events, do things we would never do like sleep with random people, and in some extremes, cause death. Now tell me is that FUN?
Sorry I just realised I was rambling all this time.
It was such a release to be back in church this morning and with fellow christian friends. It was a really good message too.
On a happier note I got a new phone and it's orange.
When I was in yr 9 I wrote a poem about my grandfather, using a violin as a metaphor to describe him, as he loved to play the violin. I would like to find it and post it on here.