The word of the week has been Evangalism. Pastor G spoke about it on Sunday, we talked about it in Culture group on Tuesday, and i went around uni doing it on thursday. Lately God has been giving me many opportunities to tell his word to ppl and invite friends to church. i just hope i'll let him use me to my fullest potential. Going around uni and listening to friends and people around you talking about their (mis)conceptions of Christianity and what they believe in, it really does sadden me. I know a saviour in Lord Jesus Christ who is full of unconditional love for every single person and I want to introduce every single person I meet to him.
On thursday i was going around uni surveying ppl about their beliefs, eg. do they believe in God, whats this God like, who do they think Jesus is, is God relevant to their everyday life etc. (cant remember all the Q's, there were only 7) and it surprised me how so many ppl were completely off the mark. what i found was that most ppl believed in a God, but that's it. that's as far as it goes. and what really irked me was that most ppl thought God was "an impersonal force".
On a sadder note a guy at kung fu got his car stolen. it was parked right outside the school in a well lit area so when u poke your head out the door u can see it straight away. to make it worse it was actually his mate's car, and to top it off, his dog was in there. and that wasn't all that happened to him, earlier that day his car caught on fire so he borrowed his mate's car, then he was involved in a car accident and was late for kung fu, then his mates car got stolen with his dog in it. the look on his face was really, um, i can't think of the word for it, but it was like he was about to cry.
haven't been blogging for a while cos of no access to the net and lots of work to do. haven't been talking care of myself. eating up to 5 chocolate bars a day :S i get next week off uni so i'll be back on track then.
octopus update: still hiding